We have one corporate service on Sunday mornings, preceded by an Adult Fellowship Group, a Youth Fellowship Group (grades 7-12), and Children's Sunday School (ages 3-5 and grades 1-6). We also offer a separate Children's Church during our main worship service.
Music, prayer, and giving are integral and regular parts of Sunday worship at Community Church, along with a primary focus on the edification of the saints through the preaching and teaching of the Bible.
We believe that the faithful verse-by-verse exposition of God's Word serves as the fuel and foundation for spiritual growth, and for the health and vitality of all of the ministries of the church. Therefore, Bible exposition is our regular practice from the pulpit and in each of our Sunday School classes; in age-appropriate formats spanning 3-5 years olds to children, youth, and adults.
Sunday Service Times
9:30 am – Sunday School hour for all ages (3-5 year olds, grades 1-6, youth, and adults)
10:30 am – Corporate Worship and Children's Church (ages 3 - 6th grade)
Main Worship Service
10:30 am | Pastor Steve Smith
We are currently studying Genesis 1-11 and what we learn about the Foundations of Our Faith from these opening chapters of the Bible. As the world becomes more hostile to the Christian faith it is critical that we understand "who we are" and "what we believe" to form an orthodox Christian Worldview.
Adult Fellowship Group
9:30 am | Doug Habecker
The adult fellowship group is designed to be a time of interactive learning. The smaller and more personal setting allows us to answer questions, pray for one another, and enjoy a time of fellowship. Our present study is looking at the big story of the Bible – God’s plan to redeem sinful mankind through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
Youth Fellowship Group
9:30 am | Andy Wu
The Youth Fellowship Group is designed to equip our teens by helping them think through the truths of the Bible as opposed to those presented by the world. We are presently completing the final lessons in the book of Revelation from the ‘big story of the Bible.’ After that we will embark upon a study of first things in the book of Genesis looking at the Bible’s explanation of creation and the flood versus the assertions of science, drawing on resources from Answers in Genesis and the Truth Project.
Children's Sunday School & Church
9:30 & 10:40 am | Jaco & Claire Pieterse
Our Children's Ministry presents biblical truth in a way that young minds can grasp. We use Generations of Grace (GoG) curriculum for both our Sunday School and Children's Church classes. Rather than making the biblical characters the focus of the lessons, GoG is designed to magnify God by studying His character. In this way children can better understand who He is by studying how His redemptive plan has unfolded and how He has used men to accomplish His purposes.